2011 Election Changes Approved by Board at July meeting and ratified by vote at the October 30 General Membership Meeting...

Important Information For All Members:

At its July 2011 meeting, the Board of Directors approved changes for the submission dates of applications and ballots for future elections. These changes were presented to and ratified by the membership at the 2011 Membership Meeting October 30.

The changes are designed to eliminate common problem areas found in past elections.

Each year there are members who receive the voting issue of The Graybeards over a month late and do not have time to submit a ballot for voting. Since we cannot change the mail system to enhance earlier delivery, our proposed changes will eliminate that problem and allow an additional month to submit a ballot.

Please read the following information that shows the new closing and submission dates. (Changes are shown after the dates involved).

Candidate resumes and ballots will be published in the Jan/Feb issue of The Graybeards. (Two months earlier than in the past).

If you want to run for office, you must submit paperwork prior to December 15th of the year preceding the election. (Two months earlier than previously submitted). For example, if you want to run for office in 2012, you must submit your paperwork by December 15, 2011.

The voting ballots must be mailed to arrive by May 10th. (One month earlier than previously submitted.)

Tabulation of ballots will be finalized by May 15th each year. (One month earlier.)

The changed requirements will allow an additional month for submission of delayed ballots and give members an additional month to mail the ballots to the CPA, to arrive by May 10th each year.

KWVA Departments and Chapters will now have additional time to disseminate candidate information at meetings.

As soon as all candidate applications and resumes are verified and sent to The Graybeards editor, the Chair of Elections will have them posted on the KWVA website.

After the CPA has completed the tabulation of ballots, on or after May 15th, the election results will be posted on the KWVA website. The official notification system has not been changed.

Common errors made in the past by candidates at the time of submission include:

  • Failure to submit early, eliminating time for corrections to be submitted.

  • Failure to release the Application Information to the Committee.

  • Failure to include required information.

Please verify the SPM Form 4.9-1 requirements list several times, prior to submission.

Dates of submission in SPM section 3.6.2 will be changed after approval by the membership at the October Membership Meeting. Form 4.9-1 Section 1 is quite clear.

I look forward to receiving your applications.

If you have any questions, contact the Elections Chairman ASAP.

Thomas M McHugh, Director
Elections Chairman

(Posted 9/19/11, revised 10/30/11)